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urawa japan micro grinder . General Centerless Grinders. General centerless refers to our lineup of straight head machines. General use machines can be applied to thru-feed applications grinding one diameter or in-feed applications grinding one or more diameters and/or angles.

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Urawa G3 Controller. Extremely portable, our micro grinder system only weighs 250g/0.55lb.It is possible to carry the unit anyplace you wish to use it.A two (2) hour charge allows approximately 3 hours of operation.The system may also be used while the battery is being charged ?When it is overloaded, the controller will stop rotation automatically.?Feedback function is for keeping rotation ...

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URAWA CORPORATION is manufacturer of micro grinder for nail, dental lab, Jewelry, industry and hobby. We make precision drill machine for all over the world.浦和工業株式会社は、高性能マイクログラインダーを製造し国内はもちろん世界各国へ輸出しています。ネイル用、ホビー・クラフト用、工業用、歯科技工用として幅広いご ...

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URAWA Corporation
URAWA CORPORATION is manufacturer of micro grinder for nail, dental lab, Jewelry, industry and hobby. We make precision drill machine for all over the world.浦和工業株式会社は、高性能マイクログラインダーを製造し国内はもちろん世界各国へ輸出しています。ネイル用、ホビー・クラフト用、工業用、歯科技工用として幅広いご ...

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Series: Micro Grinder Item Size/Weight: 8.7cm x 20.1cm x 3.0cm / 80g

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Micro grinder Premo MINITOR Precise Grinder MonotaRO . Micro grinder Premo x close. All Products > Work Tools Electric-Pneumatic Tools > Power Tools > Electric Tool Unit > Grinding > Precise Grinder. Micro grinder Premo. Argofile Japan. 53.99 SGD. DC power pack (2 station type) MINITOR. 879.90 SGD. Micro grinder. URAWA Kogyo. 599.90 SGD. Minita ...

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